Tourism is the fastest growing industry worldwide. With globalization and a faster and cheaper transport network, more travellers are exposed to the risk of unusual diseases for which they may have little immunity and may not be readily diagnosed in their home countries.

Our Travel Clinic Offers The Modern Traveller The Following:

  1. Travel vaccines viz. Yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis etc.
  2. Malaria prophylaxis viz. malateq / mozitec / doxycycline
  3. Treat travel illness
  4. Travel medical first aid kits
  5. Advice on the latest epidemics and risk factors worldwide (viz.natural disasters, conflict situations etc.)



  1. REQUIRED‚ official / mandatory for certain countries

Yellow Fever

Is officially required on entering certain countries or when coming from an infected area viz. South American and central African countries.

Immunity lasts for 10 years.

It must be taken at least 10 days before departure.


No longer recommended unless for special circumstances.


Required for Middle Eastern countries (HAJ), Sub-Saharan Africa and parts of SE Asia.

  1. RECOMMENDED for specific countries and healthy travel

Hepatitis A

If visiting a developing country or if a frequent traveller.
Water or food borne disease. Booster dose after one year for 10 year immunity.

Hepatitis B

For all health workers going to live in a developing country for 3 months or more.

Normal dose: 3 injections (0, 1, 6 months ).

Rapid schedule if there are time constraints: ( 0, 7, 21 days.)


Combined hepatitis A and B‚ 3 doses (0, 1, 6 months)


For developing countries. Single dose lasts 3 years.


For high risk travelers eg. elderly, chronic illness

  1. ROUTINE childhood immunizations that require boosters


Course of 3 at childhood. Booster dose every 10 years.

Adacil Quadro:

Tetanus / whooping cough / diphtheria / polio

Booster every 10 years


For females 18‚ 35 years.